Feature rich, easy to use, and free. midis2jam2 is the best way to play MIDI files on your computer.
midis2jam2 is a 3D MIDI file visualizer. It plays any MIDI file and animates its performance with a virtual band.
A remaster of MIDIJam, it provides a faithful recreation of the original MIDI file visualizer with new instruments, graphics, and settings.
midis2jam2 natively supports a freecam/noclip feature, allowing you to move around the scene and view from any angle.
Get up close to any instrument and notice the detail. Each instrument is accurately and aesthetically animated.
Experience midis2jam2 with high-quality sound, allowing you to play with any SoundFont of your choosing.
Have a physical MIDI synthesizer? Connection is easy with simple configuration.
New instruments including the clarinet, banjo, and helicopter have on-screen visuals—with more to come with every release.
midis2jam2 currently supports the visualization of any instrument 98% of the time.
midis2jam2 is free software, licensed under the GNU General Public License . It will always be free and open-source. You can view the source code on GitHub .
You can also contribute to the project by reporting bugs, requesting features, or submitting pull requests.
v1.10.1 – Mar 20, 2025
midis2jam2 will always be free to download and use. If you found this valuable or entertaining, and want to support its development, consider buying me a coffee. Thank you! ❤️
Other platforms, versions, and source • Nightly builds • What is x64 and ARM?
Profiled and packaged with JProfiler and install4j , a Java profiler and multi-platform installer builder.
Need help getting started? Check out the documentation .